Congratulations, you’ve won prize in our ‘Family Day Prize Draw’ contest! 🥳 Thank you so much for KidzGo customers to participate our draw event. We will contact to winners in period time this weekend. Thank you again. 😍
🏆 1st place $200 Gift Card: Diana Dxxxx
🏆 2nd place 10 Pass: Mia Oxxxx
🏆 3rd place 10 Pass: Rochel Rxxxx
🏆 4th place $50 Gift Card: Anna Mxxxx
🏆 5th place $50 Gift Card: Isabella Bxxxx
*No purchase necessary.
*Only one of each prize is available.
*All prize claims must be redeemed by Mar 20th.
*To redeem, please visit KidzGo and show your ID Card to staff.

🌥Weather isn't too great outside but it is always sunny at KidzGo🌞